This blog will be continued here. Check out www.tinoschwanemann.com for further details!
Stefanie Paul & Tino Schwanemann, www.einscommanull.com
The soundtrack of Tino Schwanemann's "Africa Light - Gray Zone" has been nominated for The Peer Raben Music Award by Soundtrack Cologne. Steffen Greisiger's fantastic work finally finds its recognition, that makes us very proud and we keep our fingers crossed!
For the PEER-RABEN-MUSIC-AWARD which has been awarded for the first time in 2009 we are looking again for the best music to a short film. Awarded will be film scores where the relationship between the narration and the music and sound is innovative and dramaturgically clear. The film music must mainly have been written for the film.
Oscar-winner Jan A.P. Kaczmarek is the special guest of SoundTrack_Cologne 7.0SoundTrack_Cologne 7.0 will focus on the work of Jan A.P. Kaczmarek in workshop talks, screenings with live commentary and a masterclass. Additionally, Kaczmarek will chair the jury of the EUROPEAN TALENT AWARD.
The opening film of the event is the film "Africa Light / Gray Zone" (2010) by Tino Schwanemann. "Africa Light / Gray Zone" tells the story of Namibia, "The Light of Africa". It is representing the development of identity for an entire continent: Between tradition and modernity, between the cattle and slums, between colonialism and the ownership reforms to the minimum wage for everyone. Namibia is neither black nor white - but infinitely gray.
Additional highlights of The Film Night will be the film "City Code" by Tabea Sternberg, other films by German and African filmmakers, a poetry slam performance in Windhoek, live music, a photography exhibition and the official reception by the chairmen of The German Namibian Association.
The Film Night will be held by the German Namibian Association in co-operation with the German TV broadcaster ZDF and will be supported by The Senate of Berlin, The German Department of State and Air Berlin.
Eröffnungsfilm der Veranstaltung ist der Film “Africa Light / Gray Zone” (2010) von Tino Schwanemann. Weitere Highlights werden der Film “City Code” von Tabea Sternberg, gefolgt von weiteren Filmen deutscher und afrikanischer Filmemacher, eine Poetry Slam Performance aus Windhoek, Live Musik, eine Fotoausstellung sowie der offizielle Empfang sein.
Die Filmnacht wird veranstaltet von der Deutsch-Namibischen Gesellschaft in Kooperation mit dem ZDF und wurde unterstützt vom Senat der Stadt Berlin, dem Auswärtigen Amt und Air Berlin.